Skate Everywhere Project



It's not about how many times you fall down...

It's about how many times you get back up

Let’s face it – nobody signs up to start something hoping that they’re going to be pretty rubbish at it. We all hope that we’re going to excel and find a brand new passion and skill.
I signed up for my first Fresh Meat intake [for Roller Derby] in July 2018 – it had been something I’d joked about doing ever since working on the next desk to the awesome BookHer DeWitt a few years back. But when I saw the event pop up on my Facebook feed, I thought I’d give it a go. I remembered my one hour of skating experience at a children’s birthday party when I was probably eight years old. I had a grand old time doing the Superman Dance by Black Lace. Apparently though, that skill did not stay with me, and Black Lace had not given me transferable skills. 
Whilst those around me were getting to grips with proper stance and stride, moving on to stops and more, I was still trying to stand up and go forwards without falling down. My falling was spot on, however. The floor and I were full on best friends. 
But give it a few weeks and I found that I was upright a bit longer each time. I had my first crack at doing 27 laps in 5 minutes, coming in at a fairly basic five and one third laps. I found I had bought my own skates. I was coming to extra practice sessions. 
The next time I tried doing 27 in 5, I scored seven and a half laps. I got my first couple of safety ticks. Eventually I hit a wall where I just couldn’t keep pace with everyone else’s improvements. But do you know what? No-one thought any worse of me for it. I was still there. I was still working on it. I could have stopped, but even though I was not GOOD at this, I loved it. I discovered that I loved officiating. I started NSOing and going to referee school. I bought my own stopwatches and my own whistle. Sure everyone else was moving on to contact, but I could balance on one leg now. I broke double figures with my laps. And all the time, I was so proud of everyone around me, and they were proud of me. Because we were all trying, really hard. I’m just taking longer to get there.
I thought, when I started, that everyone would just push straight through Fresh Meat and get all their minimum skills. Let me tell you, that is not the case. It takes some people a really, really long time. And that is just fine. I’m coming up on the end of my second Fresh Meat now and I’ve had a blast with another really great group of people. If anything, I’ve enjoyed it more this time, because I’m starting to pick up things this time that didn’t click for me before. I’ve got teeny baby crossovers, I’ve done some contact, given some whips. I’ve tripled my speed. Still can’t do proper stops. I’ve finally picked up my right foot. 
Like I said – nobody signs up to start something hoping that they’re going to be pretty rubbish at it. We all hope that we’re going to excel and find a brand new passion and skill. I have. I’ve excelled what I could do the week before. I have sport in my life now, which is something I never thought was possible before. I’ve got a whole new family in my life. Try this out. It doesn’t matter if it takes you one Fresh Meat or twenty.  It does not matter if you think you are the worst skater the world has ever seen. You’ll be better next week, believe me.

Kai, Jet and Indie have recently started the 365 Days Of Skate challenge and are SMASHING IT! We asked them:

-How you heard about Skate Everywhere Project?
Mum -What they love about skating?
Fun and Sporty -What they would love to be able to do on skates in the future?
Skate on 1 foot -How many days on skates they want to complete?

Childs goal list skate challenge
child inline skating
child roller skating inline skating york minster
Childs goal list skate challenge

-How you heard about Skate Everywhere Project?<br>I found out about Skate Everywhere Project from my mum
-What they love about skating?<br>Skating backwards and going down drop ins
-What they would love to be able to do on skates in the future?<br>Do a big drop in
-How many days on skates they want to complete?<br>365 Days of Skate

-How you heard about Skate Everywhere Project?<br>I found Skate Everywhere Project because my mum is up to date about stuff
-What they love about skating?<br>Being fit
-What they would love to be able to do on skates in the future?<br>In the future I want to do the spine
-How many days on skates they want to complete?<br>365 Days of Skate

child roller skater at York minster
Childrens goal skate everywhere challenge list

“Hey I’m EmRAH (Emma) and I have been skating for just over 7 years. I am predominantly a roller derby skater with York Minxters, I play as a blocker/pivot. I have done the odd trail skate but during lockdown I took up ramp skating. I did this mainly to keep up skating when roller derby isnt an option, I have enjoyed it and will continue to keep it up. Going into ramp skating as a derby skater was very weird. It is a completely different style of skating and in some ways felt like I I was starting from scratch. This is exactly why I love it! I enjoy pushing myself and realising wait I can do this! If I could tell my past self anything I would say don’t hold back. You will fall, you may hurt yourself, just get back up and try again. When you get that skill or trick it is so rewarding. I love skating so much. I love the thrill you get getting speed on the ramps. I love the adrenaline you get from giving a big hit on track. The people you get to meet will become your family! My proudest moment since I have been skating was the day York Minxters were promoted to tier 2 in British Champs. I really gave my all to that season as did all of the team and it paid off! My future goals are to just keep skating. Push myself to work harder and get better both on track and the ramps! If you get the chance to put wheels on your feel give it a go. Anyone can skate all you need is the some skates”.

Name: I go by JZ, my derby name is Mistress and my Instagram is is OkayestRollerSkater 

Tell us a little about yourself: I started roller derby about 8 years ago. I passed my min, played a freshie bout and then I ended up taking a break. There have been a few stops along the way, because life, but I love roller derby. It’s kind of the same for park skating. I started, and then had to take some serious breaks. About 2 years ago, I started showing up at the skate park consistently. My work has extremely busy seasons and sometimes I don’t have the time. 

How long have you been skating? About 8 years. 

What kind of skating do you do? Roller derby and skate park. 

Did you have any worries before you started skating? Ironically and probably stupidly, no, not at the beginning. My worries started after a few years, seeing friends get injuried and then also having a few injuries myself. I’ve sprained my ankle, my wrist and have tendinitis in my shoulder. 

If you could tell your past self anything what would you say? You will never regret this. 

What do you love about skating? I love the challenge of it. Yes, some people are naturally good at roller-skating but if you put in the time and effort, you can be too. 

What are you really proud of? I’m really proud of my skate friends. I learn something from every single of them. It’s fun and scary and we have a good time.